Sourdough Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Scones

Welcome to Scone Sunday! This is my first post in a new series called Scone Sunday, in which I'll share a fresh scone recipe every Sunday. I love making scones. My family really enjoys them; they're quick and easy, and it's been so fun coming up with new flavors and combinations. This week I made browned butter chocolate chip scones. I love the flavor of browned butter. It's warm and nutty and adds a depth to the flavor in any recipe. 

Scones require the butter to be cut in like pastry, so once browned, chill the butter in the fridge for about an hour before proceeding with the remainder of the preparation. Once the butter has chilled, the dough comes together in about 15 minutes. Flatten the dough into a circle, about one inch thick, and cut it into eight wedges. Place the wedges on a baking sheet. You can bake these right away, or let them chill in the fridge overnight and have a fresh, warm scone with breakfast the next day! Give these a try and let me know what you think!


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